Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Brown Owls

Hoot Loot - Originally loaded by boopsie.daisy

Just got back from the first meeting of the Brown Owls at the new Mitcham venue. It was a huge success. Julie and Lianne did an amazing job and have some super ideas for workshops including felted flowers (I saw the end product... WOW) and teacup pin cushions (super cute!)

It's so great to have two awesome venues for our Adelaide Brown Owls group. Next Box Factory meeting is the 28th of October.

I am really enjoying Brown Owls. Since starting the group with Tracey and Cathy in June this year we now have:
  • Just over 60 members
  • 2 venues
  • 4 meetings a month
  • So many new friends (my favourite bit)
  • an endless source of inspiration and
  • a Fringe Exhibition
It's the best!

A MASSIVE thanks needs to go to Pip for creating Brown Owls - thanks Pip, we couldn't have done it without you.


  1. I love all those owls in a jumble like that .

  2. :D I am excited about making those teacup pin cushions!
