Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Creative Space - First Baby Things

I've been away from my creative space for a while and now I'm a wee bit early for this week. First trimester exhaustion and nausea were to blame and then I just seemed to be busy with other things. But I'm back! Hurrah for me!

Mum bought me (well the baby) some little white tops from Cotton On and I've decided to trim & decorate them. First up is green blanket stitch. That's unisex right?

I'm still very happy with our decision to not find out if it's a boy or a girl. There aren't many surprises in life and this one is going to be a big one. Plus if I knew I'd open myself up to so many things I wanted to buy - this way it's much easier on my budget.
ps - If you are wondering why the image is sideways ask blogger... I could not for the life of me get it to load the right way.... Dinner was ready so I gave up!


  1. I like a sideways photo, it looks fine!! How lovely that you aren't finding out the sex of your baby, what a great surprise! I did find out with my third as I wanted to know whether I would have three girls, and it was a boy! A lovely feeling. But either way I wouldn't have minded, I ended up with two more girls anyway!
    Hope you have a happy day, glad that you are feeling better xo

  2. I'm all for suprises, it's so nice to have that joy at the end either way. And those onesies look fantastic! Great colour. There is no doubt you'll be greeted with pile of blue or pink gifts once your little one arrives.

  3. Oh no problem - I'm frequently staring at a computer monitor sideways. With you on the baby-surprise thing too. We found out with our second, but I reckon there's a whole lot to be said for a surprise at the end of all the huffing and puffing!

  4. Congratulations on your pregnancy. That blanket stitch looks lovely. Green is a great colour for unisex.

  5. My phots are always sideways, can't work out how to fix it either. Blanket stitch looks so sweet on the top.

  6. I love a surprise baby (all three of mine were). It's fun to keep guessing & hearing everyone's theories on whether it's pink or blue.

    The blanket stitch looks lovely.

  7. Nice green stitching!
    I think you're smart for not finding out the gender. I had 3 boys and found out each time at the first ultrasound. It was not such a great idea because each time I wanted a girl and spent some of the pregnancy feeling sorry for myself. But of course, when that baby comes out you don't care one bit, you just love them for who they are. If I had have waited I could have saved myself unneccessary self-pitying during pregnancy! :)
    Best wishes for a healthy bubba.

  8. congrats, great idea, decorating the plain tops. great idea to have a surpise. you will be so glad when the magical moment arrives

  9. Congratulations on the baby news. The surprise is worth the wait, well it was for me, twice!
